(Updated July 26, 2024)
“Um, I’ll tell you the problem with the scientific power that you’re using here: it didn’t require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done, and you took the next step. You didn’t earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don’t take any responsibility for it.”
– Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
There are many online resources to draw ideas when solving a particular problem. These are solutions to problems others have encountered and decided to share their code or make it a public discussion online. The concept behind this form of education is wonderful! Sharing ideas, discussing the problem, and identifying the cause and potential solution is a collaborative education event and should be celebrated!
However, be mindful of your choice to use the code posted by another. This is not a moral or ethical question of whether it is “cheating”. This is research and should be considered as such so long as we recognize the contributions of others. When deciding to use a solution, consider the following…
Is the situation described actually the same as yours?
Simply using the same keywords to obtain some Google hits does not mean your results will help you. If you try to convince yourself by saying, “Well, I’ll try it and see what happens”, you may not like the outcome.
Do you fully understand the implications of the solution?
Some solutions will make modifications to data or other resources. Make sure you understand the outcome. If the solution makes about as much sense as the problem you are trying to solve, then you need to seek additional assistance. There is never anything wrong with admitting you do not know or understand.
“Let’s work the problem, people. Let’s not make things worse by guessing.”
– Gene Krantz, Apollo 13
Does the solution address all the issues? Some of them? Are you certain you understand which issues are being addressed?
If you truly understand how their solution works when applied to your issue, then you have achieved a learning opportunity through constructivism and situated learning. This essentially means that in your particular case, the situation created an opportunity to grow in your knowledge and construct a workable solution.
It is time to understand the particulars, refine the solution, and document it.
What have you learned from their solution?
If their solution did not give you insight on how to overcome the issue, you have gaps in understanding the problem AND the solution. More research into the cause is required.
Are you implementing concepts with which you have had no previous exposure or experience?
This can be an exciting time – the opportunity to learn new things. Be sure to temper this with the possibility that this could be a rather poor solution and that you may be learning some of the bad habits of others.
Did it inspire you to do more research on the topic?
If you are not driven to know more about the problem to avoid this issue in the future, then you have missed the point of the exercise. The Internet is full of great solutions and clever ideas. Temper that by knowing just how great or clever it is.
It is often discovered that some solutions use outdated thinking and/or deprecated tools. Due diligence is the prudent approach.
Did it inspire you to rethink your approach to the problem?
It is the experience of many that once a particular solution is presented, the original design is somewhat flawed and needs redesign. This may also be your experience. If you cannot find a solution that fits your particular situation, consider the possibility that no available solution may mean the approach needs refinement.
“Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
– Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
Metacognition is knowing about knowing or thinking about thinking. More to the point, it is you thinking about your thinking and how you think. How do you learn? Why did a solution have such an impact on your understanding of the problem and/or the tools used in solving it?
What inspired you to change your mind about your initial solution, and how did it make you feel about the decisions you made along the way? What did you learn about why you chose certain applications of ideas? Do you truly understand what you were thinking then and how additional knowledge and other ideas influenced your decision to change your mind?
As you consider these questions regarding solutions that inspired new thinking and possibly a whole new approach, be sure to nurture your understanding and reflect on what you have learned, the decisions you have made, and how you have grown. It is okay to be self-critical and have regrets about the decisions we make. Just make sure you learn from them.
“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.”
– Sir Ken Robinson