CISS-110 – Programming & Logic I in the Java Programming Language
Instructor: William Jojo
Location: Higbee 115
Phone: 518-629-7540
Updated January 18, 2025
Topical Outline:
- Java Language
- Objects, Input & Output
- Conditional Control Structures
- Iterative Control Structures
- Designing a GUI
- User-Defined Methods
- Classes and Abstract Data Types
- Arrays
Module | Topic | Readings | Topics |
Module 1 | Java Language, Project 1 | Chapters 1 & 2 | 1, 2 |
Module 2 | Objects, Input & Output, Projects 2 & 3 | Chapter 3 | 1, 2, 5, 7 |
Module 3 | The if/else and for & while loops, Projects 4 & 5 | Chapters 4 & 5 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 |
Module 4 | User-defined methods, Projects 6 & 7 | Chapter 6 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 |
Module 5 | GUI, Project 8 | Chapter 7 | 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 |
Module 6 | User-defined classes, Project 9 (UDC) | Chapter 8 | 1, 2, 6, 7 |
Module 7 & 8 | Arrays, sorting, searching, Project 10 | Chapter 9, 9S | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 |
Measurable Outcomes
Measurement is based on ten to eleven programming assignments, midterm and final exams, and formative textbook quizzes.
- Demonstrate proficiency in basic problem-solving techniques.
- Demonstrate moderate proficiency in a high-level programming language.
- Demonstrate ability to use primitive data types and classes.
- Demonstrate proficiency in the analysis of complex problems and the synthesis of solutions to those problems.
- Demonstrate ability to break down a problem into steps and apply language tools and libraries in solving each step.
- Demonstrate the appropriate use of sequential, conditional, and iterative control structures.
- Demonstrate applying abstract models to develop dynamic solutions to generic problems.
- Demonstrate ability to read an existing program and understand its purpose.
- Demonstrate ability to build an event-driven program (GUI).
Projects | 150 points (~40%) |
Journal, Attendance, Participation | 48 points (~10%) |
Quizzes (textbook, formative) | 0 points |
Mid-Term Exam | 100 points (~25%) |
Final Exam | 100 Points (~25%) |
Total | 398 points (100%) |
- Grade calculation is total points received divided by total possible points. (If there are 398 possible points and you received 130/150 for projects, an 85/100 midterm exam grade, and 37/48 points in journal entries, your grade entering the final exam is (130+85+37)/298 or .84, which is a solid B grade.)
Learning Management System (LMS)
Installing JetBrains IntelliJ and Java JDK FX
Academic Calendar
Java Documentation
Java SE 21 Documentation
JavaFX 21 API
Additional Information:
- Exemptions are given based on a 95+ average on all graded work that was previously due. This is done approximately one week before the final exam. The instructor will provide the details of the exemption calculation.
- You must complete (provide a working solution) all remaining work by the assigned due date(s) to keep your exemption. Failure to complete this work will result in forfeiture of the exemption.
- If you request an incomplete for the semester, you no longer qualify for exemption from the final examination.
- Projects are due at midnight of the assigned due date and are graded based on the rubric attached to the project in the LMS.
- Projects may not be submitted via email. You will be given instructions on how to submit your projects for grading.
- The Z grade will be given if you have not logged in to the LMS after the mid-term due date.
- When using electronic mail, please include a subject like “CISS-110 Project 4 question”.
- Text book: Java Programming by Design by William Jojo
Other Stuff
D&D Basic Rules
D&D System Reference Document (SRD) via Open Gaming License
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Hudson Valley Community College is committed to ensuring educational access and accommodations for all its registered students, in order to fully participate in programs and course activities or to meet course requirements. Hudson Valley Community College’s students with documented disabilities and medical conditions are encouraged to access these services by registering with the Center for Access and Assistive Technology to discuss their particular needs for accommodations. For information or an appointment contact the Center for Access and Assistive Technology, located in room 130 of the Siek Campus Center, email us at, or call 518-629-7154/TDD: 518-629-7596. Another office that works closely with the Center for Access and Assistive Technologies to help students manage their mental health and wellness to achieve their academic and personal goals, is Counseling and Wellness Services. To schedule an appointment to talk with a counselor, visit of at CTR 260 in the Siek Campus Center, call 518-629-7320, or email us at