Write enough programs and you’ll soon discover that there seems to be a good deal of repetition in your programming. There seems to always be a main()
method somewhere. Swing programs nearly always extend JFrame
– or some other JThing
. So why do we continue to write the same code over again?
Well, use a good integrated development environment (IDE) like Eclipse or Netbeans and you’ll discover that they’ve thought about this quite a bit as well. Sometimes these IDE’s include code we actually don’t want and hence we end up routinely taking something away – quite the opposite of what we described above.
Fortunately we can relax in knowing that sometimes we just need to have a clean starting point an then go from there. This document will illustrate some of the most common starting points and provide boilerplate.
For those who don’t know, boilerplate is a term for the rolled steel used to make, well, boilers. It’s the necessary foundation for building a boiler that won’t leak when filled with water, coolant or whatever liquid is used for heat transfer. The point being it is the fundamental foundation.
Complete Programs
So let’s take a look at a couple complete program boilerplate examples. The first is about the basic, Scanner-based, text-oriented interface – quite simple actually.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MyClass {
static Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Your code here
Example 1: Basic program boilerplate for a text-based interface.
Then we have a piece to represent the a Swing implementation.
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class GUIClass extends JFrame {
public GUIClass() {
setTitle("My Title");
// Your code here
public static void main(String[] args) {
GUIClass g = new GUIClass();
Example 2: Boilerplate for a Swing GUI program.
Code Pieces
Some constructs are consistent as well. Consider reading input from the user or a file.
Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in)
String s;
// ...
System.out.print("Prompt user: ");
while (kb.hasNext()) {
s = kb.next();
// do some work with s
System.out.print("Prompt user: ");
Example 3: Sample EOF loop.
The code above works on the premise that the user will enter CTRL-D or CTRL-Z as needed or the end of the file causes hasNext()
to return false
So the process is:
- Prompt
- Check
- Read
- Work
- Prompt
- Repeat
Hopefully these little nuggets of code get you going and keep yo moving forward.
Good luck!